Periodic Inspection

Periodic Inspection


All electrical installations deteriorate with age and use. They should therefore be inspected and tested at regular intervals to check whether they are in a satisfactory condition for continued use. Such safety checks are commonly referred to as 'Periodic Inspection Testing' or to be correct an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR)

From June 2020, private landlords in England are required to have a periodic inspection carried out on installations in their rental properties every five years or whenever a change of tenancy occurs.

A periodic inspection will -

  • Reveal if any electrical circuits or equipment are overloaded.
  • Find potential electric shock risks and fire hazards.
  • Identify defective electrical work.
  • Highlight any lack of earthing or bonding.
  • Ensure there is no risk of electrical shock to persons or livestock

Tests are also carried out on wiring and fixed electrical equipment to check that they are safe. A schedule of circuits is also provided, which is an invaluable historical record for a property.

If your certification is due or pending call: 079 243 44440  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.